Sunday, 26 February 2012

For the Love of the Process

Raspberry Ruth is here and it is time to get my first pattern up for sale. For the past few weeks any spare moment I have, I've been dreaming of, working on or writing  my first crochet hat pattern. So far the hardest part has been trying to stick to one pattern and not fly off to another idea mid project.  I've made two samples, and I think the third and  last sample will be the one I use for the detail photograph's I plan to include.  I'm hoping to have all the testing and editing complete soon. The learning and creating continues. 

Saturday, 25 February 2012

The Beginning of Raspberry Ruth

I always joke around about how I'm going to write and sell crochet patterns.  Well now it's no joke.  Here I am with Raspberry Ruth.  I hope you enjoy my comments and creations.